L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki
OLD This user has been playing
RPGs since 1980.
D10 This user plays d10 L5R.
D20 This user plays d20 L5R
a.k.a. Oriental Adventures.
BUS This user plays Bushi.
Unicorn This user favours the
Unicorn Clan.
Wasp This user favours the
Wasp Clan.
Daidoji This user favours the
Daidoji family.
Michael J Burrage is an academic from Vermont, with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Clarkson University and an MBA from the University of Vermont.

I first played a Bushi in the AD&D version of Oriental Adventures. I have played the d10 RPG since the day the first edition was released, and the CCG before that. Not as active now but still interested.

My favorite L5R characters are:


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