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Moto Reijiro 
Moto Reijiro 
Born: Unknown 
Died: Unknown 
Siblings: many

Moto Reijiro was a Unicorn Clan bushi.


Reijiro trained with both the Junghar and the Khol. He was the youngest of his many siblings, and when his siblings joined the Unicorn armies Reijiro stayed to defend the home of his elderly parents. Reijiro lived to see all his sibling pass away. Fiercely protective of his home, Reijiro came to see all Unicorn Lands as his home. [1]


Reijiro was stationed at the Watchtower in the Moto province. He frequently patroled Shinomen Mori and even fought the Tsuno there. He later became a courier for Shinjo Shono when Shono brought the Junghar to the area. [1]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Secrets of the Unicorn, p. 18

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